To be successful in the future, Bekali child emotional intelligence

Any parent wishing to have children naturally. The smart criteria, however, most parents are simply mere academic excellence. In fact, there are other necessary intelligence potential child in their life later.

Intelligence is indeed required cognitively so children can absorb new information, but how to apply the science they can it in daily life, largely determined by the intelligence of his emotions (emotional intelligence/EQ).

"So it's not just smart in text book, but also know how that right was applied in the real world. For example, know how to interact with the social environment, to know what to do when a friend of his were sad or difficulty, "

Nadya says, a child is referred to as gifted or great, is if they have a brain and emotional intelligence are optimal.

The fact a number of developed countries shows, the intellectual intelligence that brings a mastery of Economics, science, and global technology does not guarantee the happiness of its people. The number of people with stress, depression, and suicide perpetrators remain high.

That is why, in many countries the developed emotional intelligence considered important so kids can succeed later in life. The research also revealed, 54 per cent predicting EQ in variations, ranging from health, quality of life, until the relationship with others.

The data also concluded that young people who have high EQ tend to be ranked higher, higher educated, and able to make healthy choices.

Actually emotional intelligence can be developed in children with simple ways. According to Nadya, the family is the first and the main place to get started.

"In the sphere of the family, parents could give an example of how the proper way to treat another person, e.g. through preferential treatment to her mother's father or vice versa, from parent to child, and how to treat the household Assistant," explained psychologist from the House of the Dandelion.

In the wider environment, children can learn how to interact with neighbors, neighborhood schools with teachers, her friends, and so on.

Daniel Goleman in his book Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More than IQ, reveals what elements contribute to the success of a person, especially in emotional intelligence.

Element is Goleman, among others: recognize the emotion that is going on it, capable of mengantur and controlling the reactions of emotions, recognize what is important in life, understanding the emotions of other people, and being able to build social bonds.